Cash Advance Structured Settlements

Did you know that 47 states have already adopted the federal structured settlement protection act that supports cash advance structured settlement? The Act ensures that you can get cash advance while being protected by the law.

What is a structured settlement?

It is the settlement you (as plaintiff or injured party) get from a lawsuit to compensate your injury. You must also accept the payment to be made in parts or periodically instead of getting all the sum upfront. Some of the lawsuits that can result to the settlement include employment disputes, worker’s compensation, personal injuries and more.

What is a cash advance in settlements?

It is cash given to the one receiving cash periodically from structured settlements. Usually, you just get the money, keep it and later deduct it from a future settlement installments. In case the deal doesn’t go through, you are required to pay back the sum.

Law on cash advance

In 2000, the NASP (National Association of Settlement Purchasers) and NSSTA (National Structured Settlements Trade Association), agreed on ways to protect those who want to get cash advance from their settlements. Although Wisconsin, Vermont, New Hampshire and the District of Columbia jurisdictions have not adopted the protection laws, it doesn’t mean that citizens from those areas can’t get a cash advance.

Provided the insurance company offering you the periodic payments is based on one of the states that have adopted the settlement acts, you are covered no matter the part of the US you come from. What you have to do is just ensure that you follow the required steps when getting the cash advance. That’s the good news.

The Truth

In reality, each time you get cash advance structured settlement, you sell a part of your payments to the other party in exchange for cash. When getting an advance, people don’t usually sell their whole settlement plan. In fact, it is, in some cases, advisable to sell portions of the settlement than the whole as legal implications are less. Also, you may not get taxed.

What to understand

Getting a cash advance structured settlement, is not one of the easiest things to do. It is not like selling a car where you just place a sale sign on the windshield of our car! Here you will have to search for the reputable buyers and then check whether they adhere to the state and federal rules in regards to getting cash advances from structured settlements.

Way forward

Luckily, there is a way out – making buyers come to you instead of you going to them. However, you can’t do this on your own! You can work with a trustworthy structured settlement company that will address all your needs and streamlines the overall process for you. Another way is involving an experienced broker. What the broker does is send the potential customers who are willing to give a cash advance at a discount. But remember you also have to pay for the services you get from middlemen.


It is prudent to understand cash advance structured settlement laws and processes before you decide to get a cash advance. In some cases, you should consider having a legal expert opinion on the implications of the transactions involved. Lastly, getting a cash advance is considered to be better than selling the whole structured settlement plan.



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